See my new blog header? Snazzy, huh? Make you laugh? The photo was taken by incredible photographer Kristen Staples, Koru Photography. The graphic is a Leah Carr production. She wears many hats—music teacher, an assistant at Southview, and an obviously gifted graphics artist.
Kristen gets major props for the Rosie the Riveter riff. When I first began talking to people about “Cheryl Can,” she said, in a nanosecond, “Oh, let’s do a fun Rosie shot!” And it was fun.
I’m a words kind of girl so I’m always impressed by the subtle touches designers weave into their work. See the blue stars in the background? Leah. The red bars that pick up the bandana? Leah.
My progress on this journey, slow but sure, is, in large part, because of family and friends like these two amazing women. I’m fortunate to know lots of smart people with a wide range of skills and talents (and I’ll be writing about many of them in future posts), but these two deserve shout-outs, right here, right now.
The photo is pretty bold for someone who says she’s all about behind-the-scenes roles but it’s really simple. I’ll stay in the background till the cows come home as long the client values my work (which happens regularly in my current environment and it’s something I’ll look for in the future); and 2) I keep my soul smiling. You know, those triggers that bring you back to center…like your faith, toddlers in your lap, an unexpected phone call, a song on the radio, and, now, this blog header (stay tuned, there may be other versions).
What makes your soul smile?